Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to School

Another summer has come and gone and school is starting again. August 24th, 2009 is the first day of school for Braxton and Rylee.

Ethan still has yet another week before Kindergarten starts.

This year the summer seemed long I don't know what it was, most years it flies by, maybe it's me trying to hang on to my kid's a little longer, they are growing so fast, and I am having a hard time keeping up.

Last night, the night before school, Rylee was having a hard time. We go through this every year, she was worried because she didn't know where her class was, or where she was supposed to play, or that she was going to have to much homework, and not be able to handle it.
As you can tell she is a worrier.
After sitting down with her for a few minutes, (okay 45 minutes) I was able to ensure her that everything was going to be fine and, that I would show her where her class was, and that her teacher, Mrs. Jackson would show her the rest. Besides her bestfriend Charlie was in her class. That made everything all better!

I should have just mentioned that in the beginning and it probably wouldn't have taken me 45 minutes.

Braxton on the other hand shows his cool side if he is worried he never shows it. He went to bed with no hitches. Thanks Brax.

At 7:40 A.M. my alarm clock sounded and I wanted to throw it though the dam window......Yes I said dam deal with it.

I woke Rylee up, or at least I though I did and headed to the kitchen for DO NOT want to deal with me in the morning before I have had my first cup......just ask Ross.
After a few minutes I realized Rylee was not on the couch (the first place she goes after being woke up) so I headed to her room to find that she had just fallen back to sleep with the pillow over her head when I had turned the light on. (Crazy girl)
After shaking her awake and possibly causing brain damage, I sent her down stairs to wake up Braxton. Who with in minutes came up stair's dressed and ready for school. That's Braxton for you.

It's know 8:10 A.M. I'm loaded with my first cup of coffee and going for my second when Eth-man comes into the kitchen, although he's not going to school today he has gotten himself dressed non the less. And he looks like the cutest kindergartner ever!

It's now 8:15 A.M. and I find Rylee in her room on her bed staring into nowhere land, at this time I don't know whether to laugh or scream!
Finally we get her dressed, hair brushed, teeth brushed, with 5 minutes to spare for me to take pictures. ( I am thinking this is just a preview of the year to come. Lord help me!)

We get to the school and go inside to find their rooms, Braxton is excited, Rylee is apprehensive, but as soon as she see's Charlie (her bestfriend) it's goodbye mom and hello school.

We found their classroom's and where they were supposed to line up at outside, Rylee went with Charlie, and Braxton went outside with his friend John.

I can't wait to hear about what happened at school today.
Until then..............
Hugs and Kiss's

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