Wednesday, August 26, 2009


It's 4:45 A.M. and I'm AWAKE!

Laundry, dishes, mowing the lawn, that dream I had last night.........................oh well this is a family blog we won't get into that.
These are just a handful of the things that are keeping my brain awake, and I find myself yelling at my head to SHUT UP so that I can go back to sleep with........ obviously no luck.

It's funny that while lying here awake and thinking of all the things in my life that I have to get done.
I was actually contemplating throwing the laundry, and a note that said "will you please clean the windows too" over the fence into the O.C.D neighbors yard to see if he would actually return the laundry clean, folded, and on my front porch. (ya in fairy tale land which is were I obviously went too temporally.) And as for the windows that will get done sometime between now and when hell freezes over.

Ohhhhh...... But how Mr. O.C.D.'s window's shine I swear that man is outside on a daily basis washing his windows, even when It's raining,.......he goes out with his that is window dedication, and major phyco problems.

If any of you are suffering from this problem please give me a call there are medication's out there for this problem! :) And yes that is smiling at you.

Wouldn't it be great if we had all the time in the world to get everything done that we needed to get done. If that were the case I would not be up this early thinking about it and everything in my laundry room would not attack me when I tried to open the door.

Gee laundry must be on the brain.

As for mowing the lawn...... well that is all on Ross .....his territory .....because it comes with dog poop and I just DO NOT do dog poop! (Stinky Yuk)

Well as for me and my insomnia I guess I'm just up for the day. And that just plain sucks because I know I will be tired later.

Hmmmm I wounder If I could talk Eth-man into a nap later.....we'll have to see.

Talk to ya later
Hugs and Kiss's

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