Thursday, July 1, 2010

Time Fly's

Oh how I have let life and time get away from me!

Months have flown by, Holidays come and gone, and yet life is still going on around me like I'm standing still.

The kids are know out of school for the next couple of months and I have been working more. I start back to work full time the first of August, I'm excited for more hours because that means more money and in turn more freedom for us to do more things.

This summer we plan to do some camping, we want to go to the zoo, go to some Bee's games, and do a lot of swimming in the backyard.
We also plan on turning in the family Ford P.O.S ( piece of shit ) for a new nicer vehicle that tows this summer as well.

This family has a lot of fun things planed for the summer and this time I plan to keep everyone informed as much as humanly possible.

The first planned event is the 4th of July, the Murray Parade is on Saturday the 3rd at 8:00 am and I (like every year) will be there at 6:00 am to save spots for all the lazy's in the family.

And this chick is armed so look out to all those who like to come at the last minute and plant their fat ass's down in front of me!

After that later in the day we will have a BBQ and Fireworks with the family.
I'll post later about the day with pic's and all.

Well that's all for now.

Hugs and Kisses

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